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Chemical processing

_Industrial / Chemical processing

Infinite Water has developed powerful technology that can degrade complex and difficult to breakdown chemicals in wastewater effluent.

_Key Features

  • Low cost of operations
  • Degradation of chemical contaminants
  • Containerised or skid mounted systems
  • Automated and simple operation
  • Scalable Capacity
  • Remote monitoring
  • High process redundancy
Get in touch
Our expertise in advanced oxidation and catalytic advanced oxidation processes has led to break-through results in the treatment of refractory organic chemicals in wastewater effluent.

In an industry that has increasingly strict effluent discharge regulations, we understand the importance of meeting discharge requirements while maintaining your bottom line.

Our consultative approach ensures we understand your challenges and we design a solution that is fit for purpose. Our team has developed solutions that significantly reduce operating costs, reduce sludge production and have lower capital costs than conventional methods.

Sustainable solutions

Our proprietary processes break-down refractory chemicals and take them out of the environmental life cycle saving the environment and reducing your costs.


How can we help?

Whatever your water or wastewater challenge, we can develop a solution for you. Get started by getting in touch with one of our experts.